A new website, a new look.
I thought I would introduce myself to you all. Here are a few facts about me...
- My name is Joanna Lewis, previously Parkin (hence the business name)
- I liked the idea of keeping 'Parkin' in my business name, as my Sister and I are the last 2 remaining Parkins in our family.
- I have a degree in Multimedia textiles, where I discovered my love of leather and other fabrics.
- I used to work in a silk shop in Soho where I had a Wednesday off.
- Not many of my friends were around on a Wednesday, so I decided to make the most of the spare time and starting using the silk I had accumulated from the shop and leather to make make-up bags.
- In 2010 I got discovered by Notonthehighstreet.com at a little stall I was holding in Angel.
- After joining notonthehighstreet.com the orders starting coming in thick and fast, before long I had to quit my day job to work on the business full time.
- My business name used to be Joanna Parkin, but once I got married I wanted to incorporate my new name as well.
- I ditched the 'Joanna' as I wanted to appeal to both men and women.
- I have recently had another baby so finding juggling a 2 year old and 3 month old along with a business rather challenging.
- I currently make everything myself.
- I don't have any staff.
- I miss working full time, but love the flexibility of working for myself so I can also take care of my two little monkeys.